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Susan Garner

Program Evaluator

Susan Garner is the Director of Garner Willisson Pty Ltd a small professional services company based in Canberra which specialises in policy analysis, program evaluation and capacity building. Susan has 30 years of experience in evaluating complex policy issues and programs, and leading numerous evaluation project teams in Australia and internationally (

Susan has a theory driven approach to evaluating complex interventions using a range of designs and methods to measure impact. Her main interests are designing and undertaking evaluations which are fit-for-purpose and make a difference to the client and organisations she works with. She has a deep interest in improving evaluation practice, and in applying a systems lens to evaluation that is complexity-sensitive, participatory and supports evidence-based decision making.

Susan Garner

Project Description

The "How to Claim Your Human Rights" project addresses the significant power imbalance between individuals with disabilities and the providers who support them. Our aim is to transform the way people with disabilities interact with service providers by promoting human rights-based practices. We focus on ensuring that everyone can recognise these practices when negotiating for their supports and services.


Meet our Project Partners

We are proud to collaborate with the following organisations:

• B-HART: Leading the project with a dedicated focus on promoting human rights.
• Lived Experience Australia (LEA): Representing individuals with lived experience of mental health issues and psychosocial disabilities.
• DnD (Diversity and Disability): A self-advocacy program supporting people with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.
• South Australian Council for Intellectual Disability (SACID): Advocating for people with intellectual disabilities and their families.
• Deafblind Victoria (DBV): A self-advocacy group run by and for individuals with deaf blindness.
• ColourFull Abilities: An LGBTQIA+ specific disability organization, owned and run by individuals with lived experience.
• KYD-X Foundation: Focusing on children with disabilities, their parents, and carers, providing essential support and advocacy.

Each partner brings unique strengths and expertise to the project, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive approach to promoting the human rights practice model.


Project Activities

Our project includes a variety of activities aimed at empowering our community:

• Co-designing Content: Peer leaders will collaborate to create impactful and relevant materials tailored to the community's needs.
• Capacity Building: Training sessions will enhance the skills and knowledge of peer leaders, enabling them to conduct workshops and lead discussion groups.
• Resource Distribution: We will utilize innovative and effective channels to widely distribute resources, ensuring they reach as many people as possible.

These activities are designed to foster a deeper understanding of human rights-based practices and build the confidence needed to self-advocate in everyday situations.


Get Involved and Stay Connected

Join us in making a positive difference! If you are passionate about human rights and disability advocacy, if you are an organisation working in disability sector we invite you to register and stay connected to the project's activities. You will receive invites to events and opportunities to participate in activities. Your involvement can help empower individuals with disabilities to claim their rights and negotiate for better support and services.

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